A little about us
Our number one rule in this club is to have fun and meet other people like us. Come with a smile and a fighting spirit!
This website has all the ins and outs you need to know of the art of narwhal sword-fighting. It's been a known fact that Narwhals are playful and enjoy fighting with their tusks but it is time to take it another step to hone their sophisticated potential. Sign your narwhal up to commence this battle to victory!
Our number one rule in this club is to have fun and meet other people like us. Come with a smile and a fighting spirit!
Cthulhu isn't the only Narbrawl team out there! There are certainly other fish in this blue vast sea!
There are undoubtedly rough seas ahead, however we will prepare to fight together and to the best of our abilities.
Our local team Cthulhu, founded in Sea of Okhotsk. If you're interested in joining, be sure to participate in our 7 day trial. Simply apply here.
We will be training every weekend for upcoming tournaments so come with your best attitude and tusks sharpened!